How To Thaw an Ice Cream Cake?

Everybody is fond of ice cream cakes. You can have cake and ice cream in a single dessert. Alright, what can be better than that?

If it is frozen solid, what should we do? It would be hard to eat the cake after cutting it. Is it possible to thaw it so that everyone can enjoy eating this sweet treat?

It’s as easy as 1-2-3 and here’s how to do it, we found out from our frozen dessert experts.

Whether you buy it from Dairy Queen or make it yourself, there are three easy steps to thaw ice cream cake.

  • It’s best to put it in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving or on the counter for 15 minutes. 
  • It’s a good idea to use a warm knife for slicing the cake. 
  • Don’t wait any longer, serve immediately.

There are more thawing tips that you should learn.

We will tell you everything you need to know about ice cream cakes from the moment you get them from the store to the moment you serve them.

Ice Cream Cake

Thawing an ice cream cake

Thawing your ice cream cake should be done at the right time. They say that time is the most important thing.

When you serve your frozen dessert, you don’t want it to be too soft or hard.

While homemade frozen confections melt faster, commercial cakes like those from Dairy Queen stay frozen longer.

It depends on the ice cream flavors that are used as some freeze harder than others.

If you want to serve your favorite ice cream cake, you can either thaw it in the fridge or on the countertop.

It will take around half an hour to thaw this frozen treat in the fridge. If you choose to serve it on the counter, you should bring it out around 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

The reason is that the room temperature is higher than the refrigerator, so your cake will melt faster. If you want to slice the cake, use a long knife.

It’s a good idea to warm your knife by rinsing it with hot water and then dry it off with a paper towel.

If you want to cut the frozen dessert smoothly, you need to repeat after a few slices.

You should slice a rectangular cake into small squares and a round cake into triangle wedges, according to cake experts.

This is the perfect time to put on birthday candles if you want to add more. Everyone will be able to enjoy their cake in its perfect consistency if they serve it immediately.

How Long Will Ice Cream Cake Last Inside the Freezer?

A whole ice cream cake can be kept in the freezer, but you should store it properly. It’s only good for a maximum of seven days.

You can expect ice crystals to form on your cake after this period, affecting its quality.

When we’re talking about something as delicious as an ice cream cake, there’s no reason for you to keep it in storage.

If you want to keep your cake in the freezer, you can do that if you weren’t able to finish it.

Wrap it tightly and put it in a freezer-safe container to protect it from freezer burn. For a couple of months, it’s still good.

When Do I Need to Take My Ice Cream Cake out of the Freezer?

The ice cream cake should be taken out before the 7th day of the freezer. Before serving your ice cream cake, you should let it thaw a bit so that it’s more manageable to cut.

If you let it thaw at the counter, you should transfer it to the fridge 30 minutes before serving time.

You can bring your ice cream cake to the right consistency with the help of this. Store-bought ice cream cakes need more time to thaw, so this is especially true.

Your thaw time should be adjusted so that the dessert won’t be too soft when it’s time to dig in, since homemade cakes tend to thaw more quickly.

When serving this star of the occasion, you should use a long serrated knife that has a pointed tip to make the perfect slices.

If you want to cut through the cake smoothly, you can put the knife in a dish of warm water and then dry it off.

Is It Necessary to Put an Ice Cream Cake in the Fridge?

Ice cream cake shops recommend that you transfer your cake to the fridge for 30 minutes to give it time to thaw or be softened before serving.

It isn’t recommended for you to keep your ice cream cake in the refrigerator.

It won’t be safe since users open and close the door repeatedly throughout the day and the temp in the fridge can fluctuate.

The quality of the ice cream cake will decline and it would not be fun to eat.

Ice Cream Cake

How Long Will Ice Cream Cake Last Outside?

When left at room temperature for too long, ice cream cake will melt. You should not put it near hot food or sources of heat to prevent it from melting.

If you need more time to serve this delicious dessert, you can put it inside a cooler with ice. It takes 1.5 hours for your cake to sit out.

How Can I Transport Ice Cream Cake Without It Melting?

There are some things you have to do to make sure the ice cream cakes don’t melt when you bring them home from the party.

If you’re going to bring the cake to the party, make sure you have a cooler chest with ice packs in it.

It is possible to use an insulated bag or container that is big enough for the whole cake with the box on.

It’s important to make sure that the cake is solid when you transport it.

Ensuring that the cake’s decor, shape, and overall integrity are maintained while in transit is something this will help with.

If you want to avoid damaging the decoration, don’t put anything on top of the cake box.

It would be a good idea to put a protective layer between the cake and ice so that the box won’t get wet if the ice thaws.

For commercial deliveries

Vehicles with mobile freezers or frozen storage are used by the ice cream cake companies. Some people use an ice cream truck to deliver their goods.

These options are really expensive. They can use dry ice, which is cheaper, but more effective in transporting these cakes.

Is It Possible to Put Candles on Ice Cream Cake?

It is a tradition to blow the candles on a birthday cake. Don’t worry if you have an ice cream cake because you can put candles on top of it.

Wait a while until the top gets softer so that you can insert the candles.

The cake won’t melt too much by the time you serve it if you allow the celebrant to blow out the candles before you.


The ice cream cake needs to be thawed just a little before you can start eating it.

Otherwise, you’ll be left with a melted and messy cake, which will ruin all the fun, and it requires the right timing.

If you want it to be perfect for serving, place it in the fridge or on the counter at the recommended time.

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