How Can I Freeze Bell Peppers?

Bell peppers are good for your body and can be used in a lot of recipes. They are inexpensive and are always readily available.

If you have a lot of peppers or have some leftovers from a meal, you might want to freeze them.

In this article, we researched the different ways of freezing bell peppers to give you the best method available, along with some other information you might need on the topic.

To freeze whole peppers, take out the seeds, wrap them in plastic, and then put them in freezer bags and into the freezer. To freeze bell peppers, place them in heavy-duty freezer bags and place them in airtight containers.

  • Pick, clean, and cut your peppers.
  •  After spreading the pieces on a tray or baking sheet, freeze them for an hour or more. 
  • Put the pieces in freezer bags, label them, and put them in the freezer.

That is easy and it is fast. We will give you a step-by-step guide on how to freeze bell peppers if you need further information.

Along with their answers, we have listed some questions you might have, as well as a few tips and tricks that could be helpful.

Freezing Bell Peppers

If you want to preserve your bell peppers for future use, freezing is a good way to do it.

Compared to putting them in the fridge, freezing them lets you store them for a long time while still maintaining their flavor and texture.

Bell Peppers

Which Way Is Better to Freeze Bell Peppers: Raw or Cooked?

It is best to freeze bell peppers raw and fresh to retain their firmness and nutrition. If you are harvesting them from your garden, you should freeze them as soon as possible.

In cases where you are making stuffed bell peppers, you should store them in a container of cooked stuffing.

Is It Possible to Freeze Whole Fresh Bell Peppers?

It is possible to freeze fresh bell peppers whole, but you need to remove the seeds first. If you cut off the top of the pepper, you can get rid of it.

Before putting it into a freezer bag and into the freezer, you need to replace the top, cover it with plastic wrap, and put it in a freezer bag.

If you are going to use them to make stuffed peppers, you should freeze them with the filling inside. You can use air-tight containers or freezer bags to store them.

Best Way to Freeze Fresh Bell Peppers:

Check the peppers 

Thoroughly look over each pepper for any soft spots or dark spots that are indicative of overripe or bad pepper.

They won’t be going into the freezer because they won’t hold up well and will take up more space.

If you find peppers that have mold, discard them. The ones you are going to use should be left alone.

Bell Peppers

Clean the peppers

If you want to get rid of dirt on the peppers, rinse them and clean them well. If you are freezing them whole, you should dry them thoroughly to reduce the chances of freezer burn.

The seeds and the white membranes need to be removed first.

Some people prefer to cut the pepper in half and then remove the seeds with a spoon or a scooper, but a quicker and cleaner way would be to cut off the top of the pepper and remove its core.

You can just shake them out if there are any remaining seeds.

Slice, chop, or cut the peppers

It’s a good idea to slice or dice your peppers according to how you’re going to use them. It doesn’t matter if they are in strips, rings, or quarters because they will still freeze well.

You can rinse the pieces and then pat them dry with a paper towel at this point. It’s a good idea to dry them well so that they don’t have excess moisture that could cause freezer burn.

Flash freeze the peppers

The pepper pieces should be spread onto the baking sheet. They shouldn’t be sticking together because they should be in an even layer.

The pieces will not stick to the baking sheet if you line it with parchment or wax paper. It’s best to freeze the pieces for about an hour or two.

The majority of articles say 1–1 hour will work, but some recommend freezing them for at least twelve hours.

This means that the pieces are frozen individually. It would be better if you took them out to use them instead of clumping them together.

Bag the peppers

Use heavy-duty freezer bags to put the frozen pieces in. It’s a good idea to squeeze as much air out of the bag as possible to prevent freezer burn.

If you want to keep track of how long you can use the freezer bags, you can label them as peppers and put the date of storage and the date after 6 to 8 months.


It’s a good idea to put your freezer bags in the freezer where the temperatures are the lowest. The temperature in the freezer should be below freezing.

It is a good idea to check the bags for freezer burn or mold at certain times of the year. If you find any mold or if they are completely iced over, immediately discard them.

If the peppers get softer than usual, that could mean that your freezer is not maintaining the temperature, so keep an eye out for that as well.

Frozen Peppers

Other ways to freeze bell peppers

According to the National Center for Home Food Preservation, heated and unheated methods of freezing peppers are available.

The peppers are blanched during the heated method. The steps can be found here.

  • Pick, clean, and cut peppers according to the instructions in the steps above.
  • The peppers should be fully submerged in boiling water.
  • Leave them in halves for 3 minutes if you cut them into halves.
  • When the time is over, take the peppers out of the ice bath and place them in freezer bags.
  • Put the bags in the freezer after they’ve been Seal the bags, label them, and then put them in the freezer.

The peppers are packed directly into the freezer bags after they are sliced without the flash freeze.

Is it needed for bell peppers to be blanched before freezing?

Blanching vegetables helps preserve the product for longer and it’s recommended by many people.

Blanching retains the appearance of the vegetable and inactivates the enzymes that cause them to age and eventually spoil, which is unnecessary for bell peppers.

When you cook peppers, they don’t stick to them. If you want to retain their texture, blanching is counterintuitive.

If you freeze them fresh, you can preserve more vitamins and minerals.

There is no difference in taste between blanched and unblanched peppers, so the extra step only adds to the prep time with no real benefit.

How Long Will Bell Peppers Last Inside the Freezer?

Bell peppers can last for up to a year if kept in a freezer. For the best quality, it is best to consume them within 6 months.

There is a higher chance of freezer burn, or the taste and texture could be altered.

Is It Mandatory to Defrost Frozen Bell Peppers Before Using Them?

If you are going to cook a soup or stir-fry with your frozen bell peppers, you don’t have to thaw them. They should be added to your dish while you are cooking.

It doesn’t matter if the heat makes them softer because they don’t have to retain their crunchy texture.

If you want to use them for salads, you can transfer them to the refrigerator and thaw them overnight.

They should retain their texture, but frozen bell peppers are not as hard as fresh ones.

Whole frozen bell peppers can be put in a bowl of cold water for an hour, or you can put them in the fridge and thaw them for a few hours.

Are Frozen Bell Peppers Good to Eat?

Bell peppers are low in calories, have many vitamins and minerals, and are good for you. These are the nutrients that are maintained with freezing.

Store-bought peppers are usually frozen immediately, so they retain most of their vitamins and minerals.

It’s a good idea to freeze them immediately after chopping if you’re using the method we described.


It’s a good idea to freeze peppers since they can be cooked or raw. It protects their texture, keeps them from getting dehydrated, and protects their nutrition.

There are different ways to prepare them for freezing, but the 6-step method takes less time and effort than other methods.

You don’t have to worry about boiling raw bell peppers. Bell peppers aren’t beneficiaries of it, but other vegetables are.

If you want the best results, you should flash freeze them and store them in heavy-duty freezer bags.

If you want to get the best flavor out of your frozen peppers, you should consume them within 6 to 8 months.

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